illegal migration

Press releases in January 2016 in Connection with Current Migration Flows 31. januar 2016
We are still handing over migrants to Austrians as usual 20. januar 2016
Latvian and Austrian police contingents complete their mission 7. januar 2016
Six police officers to help Macedonian police 4. januar 2016
Slovakian police officers complete their work in Slovenia 3. januar 2016
Press releases in December 2015 in Connection with Current Migration Flows 31. december 2015
Information on the refusal of entry to a group of migrants on the border with Austria 29. december 2015
Bulgarian police officers help Slovenian colleagues 23. december 2015
High representatives of the Slovenian, Serbian, Macedonian and Greek police pledge to enhance cooperation in managing increased migration 4. december 2015
French police officers complete their mission in Slovenia 2. december 2015
Hungarian Police Chief pays visit to his officers helping the Slovenian police to manage migration 1. december 2015
Press releases in November 2015 in Connection with Current Migration Flows 30. november 2015
Fank: Tense security situation is no time for heated statements or actions 18. november 2015
Measures to regulate migration flow do not mean closing borders 16. november 2015
Retired police officers may now join auxiliary police 13. november 2015
20 Latvian and another 7 Austrian officers arrived at the Gruškovje reception centre 11. november 2015
Slovenian border remains open - information on the setting up of physical barriers on the border with Croatia 11. november 2015
All border crossing points with Croatia are open 11. november 2015
Slovenian police officers joined by 52 Hungarian police counterparts in the management of migratory flow 9. november 2015
Slovak police officers to work alongside their Slovenian colleagues 7. november 2015
Journalist expressing appreciation to the police for humanitarian assistance provided to migrants 2. november 2015
Employees of Ruše police station collect clothes for migrants 2. november 2015
A calmer weekend in Brežice and Šentilj - in pictures 2. november 2015
First migrant train pulls in at temporary railway station in Šentilj 1. november 2015
Press releases in October 2015 in Connection with Current Migration Flows 31. oktober 2015
Police work during the intensified security situation caused by the escalating migrant crisis in recent weeks - explanations and answers 31. oktober 2015
Police duties remain the same, Slovenian armed forces provide valuable assistance 29. oktober 2015
Fank meets with representatives of Specialised Police Unit and German officers who have arrived to help Slovenian colleagues 28. oktober 2015
Columns of migrants between Rigonce and Dobova - photographs 27. oktober 2015
The Ministry of the Interior has never limited volunteers in their contacts with migrants 26. oktober 2015
Photos of reception centres in the area of Novo mesto Police Directorate 22. oktober 2015
Slovenian police helicopter films Croatian police officers directing migrants to Slovenia across the green border and the Sotla river 22. oktober 2015
Austrian law enforcement authorities to cooperate in managing migration flows 15. oktober 2015
Statistical data in Connection with Current Migration Flows (September and October 2015) 30. september 2015
Press releases in September 2015 in Connection with Current Migration Flows 30. september 2015
Police react to negative and misleading reports by some foreign media 22. september 2015
Police fine activists for breaking the law, not for helping refugees - press release 21. september 2015
Plinski razpršilec na mejnem prehodu Rigonce ni bil uporabljen zoper skupino oseb ali tujce, ampak zoper posameznika, ki je kršil javni red in mir - odziv (English version available) 19. september 2015
Police work at largest border crossing of Obrežje 14. avgust 2014
In Warsaw European Border Guards Discuss Border Control during Increased Migration Movements 23. maj 2013
Slovenian, Austrian, Hungarian and Croatian Police chiefs meet in Dolga vas 16. november 2011
Centre for Foreigners 19. oktober 2009
Cooperation of Slovenian and Croatian police officers in the Frontex operation Neptune 2009 ? information from the press conference 15. maj 2009
The international conference on migration also considered the misuse of procedures to obtain work permits and residence permits 17. april 2009
Disclosure of an international criminal network, which was smuggling illegal immigrants - information from the press conference 2. april 2009
Kras 2008, Joint Operation by Slovenian and other European Police Forces and Frontex Agency 10. oktober 2008
Police and UNHCR Sign Cooperation Agreement 1. oktober 2008
RABIT exercise - Joint exercise of the Slovenian and other European police forces at the external Schengen border 10. april 2008
Compensatory measures for increased security in the Schengen area - information from the press conference 29. november 2007