
Considering the long-term efforts of the European Union to provide peace, stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans, and the fact that this region as a whole ...
On Slovenia's initiative, the European Police College (CEPOL) is organising a conference on police cooperation with the Western Balkan countries in the field of ...
The police officers of the Special Unit and their chiefs train annually for how to react in different situations; the strategy and scenario of such trainings on the ...
On the platform of the Logistics Office of the General Police Directorate, Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate officially delivered 14 new Yamaha FJR 1300 AP ...
On the road from Athens to Dublin, 2207 trucks controlled in one day. Under the auspices of the European Traffic Police Network, TISPOL, a common European ...
The presidents of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, Dr Lovro Šturm, Slovenian Minister of Justice, and Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior, ...
On Slovenia's initiative, the European Police College (CEPOL) is organising a conference on police cooperation with the Western Balkan countries in the field of ...
In the great hall of the Ministry of the Interior in Ljubljana, the Agreement on Mutual Cooperation between the Customs Administration and the Police was signed ...
Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, chairs the Ministerial Conference on the Challenges of the ...
Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, today chaired the Ministerial Conference on the Challenges ...
At today's press conference of the General Police Directorate at the Police Academy in Tacen, Director General of the Police Jože Romšek presented the annual ...
The top European experts who are involved in security matters at important international sports events met in Ljubljana on 3 and 4 March.