The Chemical Examination Section performs qualitative, quantitative and comparative examinations of different material traces. It proves illicit drugs, accompanying substances and active and inactive additives in various illicit compounds and performs monitoring of chemical characteristics of the most common illicit drugs and reports to the EMCDDA and UNDCP. It identifies precursors used for the manufacture of illicit drugs and, in the framework of the European "Early warning system on new psychotropic substances", identifies and informs on new manifestations of synthetic and potentially dangerous psychotropic substances. In connection with investigations of criminal offences of damaging another's object, break-in, traffic accidents, fraud and similar, it performs examinations of different coatings (paints, varnishes, paint sprays), adhesive tapes, adhesives and plastic materials.
It also carries out fire investigations and identifies micro traces of flammable liquids in different matrixes from fire scenes. It investigates explosions and proves micro residues of explosives in various materials from explosions scenes. To a limited extent (and upon prior agreement with clients) it performs various other examinations (proving tear gas, some examinations in connection with environmental contamination, examinations of dyes for the protection of banknotes, identification of corrosive and other dangerous substances or poisons).
To examine materials the following are used: macroscopic/ and/or microscopic examination, various physical-chemical tests, preliminary colour and precipitating reactions and chromatographic and/or spectrometric instrumental methods in connection with different computer databases. The list of examinations can be found in Appendix