Peer violence is not limited to a specific place, it can occur anywhere.

drawing of an aggressive minorSome violent acts are direct and faster, easier to see, recognizable (eg beating, kicking, verbal abuse and insults ...). Violence can also be covert, indirect (eg slander, intentional exclusion from the group, manipulation of friendships ...).

It can be a one-time act of violence, but violence usually occurs longer time.

A child or adolescent can be intimidated and tortured by one bully, or a whole group of violent peers can "start on" at him/her.

There are many forms of peer violence.

Where does peer violence take place?

It takes place in primary schools, secondary schools, institutes, youth homes, as well as in kindergartens and other institutions and premises intended for children and adolescents. It also happens in the vicinity of the school or institution, at bus and train stations, on the way to or from school, on school buses ... It also happens in the home environment, in the family circle, when the bully is, for example, a sibling. In the cases dealt with by the police so far, the violence took place mainly in the vicinity of primary and secondary schools and public transport infrastructures, at the time of arrival at or departure from the school.

picture of humiliation and bullying among peersOne of the important places of violence is also the World Wide Web or various social networks, where perpetrators usually commit acts of violence from home. Cyberbullying as one of the possible forms of peer violence has been on the rise recently. The World Wide Web as an uncontrolled area is a special category where perpetrators can hide behind anonymity, pseudonyms, or false identities. The most common are the misuse of photographs, writings, recordings, the implementation of overt and covert threats, abuse of identity, the creation of fake "personal" profiles. etc.

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Peer violence
Police for children