Police officers who meet children at work note that children too often find themselves in dangerous situations that they do not even perceive or recognize as such. The Slovenian police therefore pay special attention and care to the protection of children and adolescents. Since 1995, the project Police for Children has been implemented, aimed at preschool children and younger primary school pupils.

It is a child's right to be safe, and it is the duty of us adults to ensure them this safety. Adults often make mistakes and do not inform children of the dangers, do not present them to them, or - despite the firm belief that we are doing the right thing - do it in an inappropriate or intimidating way.

It is the duty of adults to openly introduce children to dangers, equip them with information and directly present them with a range of possibilities for how to act in certain situations.

It is good for a child to be able to recognize dangerous situations, to avoid them or to prevent them,
or to know how to act and help themselves in such situations.

PoliceForChildren02One of the most important solutions we offer a child is the help of a police officer. The purpose of getting to know police officers and children is to establish trust, convey messages about safe behavior and familiarize children with the role of the police. The role of the police is to be the protector of the child, so it is very important that adults present it to the child exclusively as an activity, a job or a person who will help and protect him!

The police officer is the child's safe point, i.e. a person to whom the child can turn in times of need or problems and from whom he also receives protection and security.

With the project Police for Children, we provide children with information about possible dangers and appropriate and correct ways of responding to them in an appropriate, playful and, above all, useful way.

The Project Police for Children consists of two parts:

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