The puppet show One One Three was written by Svetlana Makarovič based on the text Little Ojoj for the prevention project Police for Children, and the artistic design is the work of Danijel Demšar.

The music for the puppet show was written by Nino De Gleria and Aleš Rendla, and the show has been performed by the creators of the theater group Puppets Zajec since its first performance in October 1995 (at that time under the title Nine and Two). Over 1,000 replays have been played to date!

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PoliceOfficerBearThe puppet show presents us three independent stories. Every story's message is that everyone, even the little ones, who are in distress or in danger, can dial the number 113 and a police officer will come to help.

The main characters in them are animals; on the one hand, small, vulnerable animals such as bunny, mouse, and chick, and on the other, dangerous animals in the form of large cat, fox, and buzzard.

In all three stories, we meet a police officer bear. When small animals are in danger, they can call him on the phone number 113.

The first story is about a bunny. While carefree jumping through the forest, he encounters a fox. Running away from her, with his crying the bunny draws the police officer bear to help him. He warns him about the danger lurking in the forest for the puppies, and tells him that in case of danger, he can call the number 113 and the police officer bear will help him.

The second story tells about a little mouse who meets a large cat in the forest. The cat tries to lure a tiny mouse, who is returning home, with a trick to him. When he succeeds, he grabs her. The mouse manages to slip out of his claws and get to the phone so they can call the police officer bear for help.

In the third story, we meet a chick. While walking through the forest, it got lost and almost fell prey to a dangerous buzzard. A phone call and a police officer bear save it from danger again.

The puppet show lasts 40 minutes and is suitable for children from 3 years of age.
It is carried out for children in kindergartens and for pupils from the first to the fourth grade of primary school.

The presentation of police officers, their vehicles, equipment and service animals is an integral and free part of the project.
1 bunny 2 mouse 3 chick 4 fox 5 cat 6 buzzard

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Prevention projects