The key police mission is to ensure the safety of individuals and communities and to guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms, which, of course, requires staff in various fields. This is the reason for the planned and deliberate efforts to make employment in our organisation attractive to different personnel and qualification profiles.

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Active employment policy is our long-term goal. One way of achieving this goal is through promotion of diverse employment opportunities. In addition, the police are investing heavily in employees and creating a stimulating working environment.

Usually at the beginning of the year, the police publish a call for applications for the police officer higher education vocational study programme. In addition, there are calls for applications and open competitions for other job vacancies in the police. Police career opportunities are advertised at job fairs and other events and in primary and secondary schools and universities.

We continue to attract young people who feel the urge to do something good for their fellow human beings to police force. Anyone with values such as courage, selflessness, affiliation, justice and prudence is invited to join our ranks.

On the look-out for the best candidates

The police look only for the best and most capable candidates. The force welcomes anyone who is physical and mentally fit and can cope with most diverse situations and complicated cases, which the police face on a daily basis. Policing is for persons who are able to stay calm in stressful moments and cautiously carry out procedures even when confronted by the most difficult members of the public. After they successfully pass the physical fitness test and go through all the selection procedures, trainees are in for a challenging two- year training at the Police College.

A variety of career opportunities

After they conclude their studies, police officers perform general police duties for a while, after which they have the opportunity to develop professionally in their particular field of interest. They can specialise in various fields of work, such as traffic policing, or join the mounted or canine police. They can choose to become crime scene officers or they can join the criminal police or develop their careers as specialists (riot police, alpine police, etc.).

The police also provide a broad range of other career opportunities in areas such as information technology and communications, public relations or the police orchestra and the police museum.