Various alarm devices (both high-quality and low-quality) are appearing on our market in ever-increasing numbers, so deciding which device to install in your car or residential building is not an easy one. The differences between one and the other are minimal and seemingly imperceptible.

Technical protection of the car
Technical security of residential buildings

The most effective security is a combination of mechanical and electronic security.
Consult an expert!

The alarm device you will install must be tested. It must have:

  • a certificate issued by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Laboratory for Measurements in Process Engineering in Ljubljana,
  • RSO-SIQ certificate of conformity issued by the Metrology Institute in Ljubljana.

Information on the adequacy of the alarm device can also be obtained from insurance companies and all police directorates.

In order to protect against theft - in combination with alarm devices or independently - strong mechanical elements are increasingly used, which prevent breaking into a vehicle or residential building (mechanical lock - the steering wheel lock, mechanical lock for the vehicle's gearbox, protective hardware and lock safety shield on apartment door...).

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