List of police stations

There are 99 police stations in Slovenia. Find their contacts.

A police station is a local organisational police unit, established to directly carry out police tasks within a particular area or some tasks within the range of responsibilities of a police directorate.

A police station is run by a head. The head of police station manages the police station and plans, organizes, directs and supervises the performance of work under the jurisdiction of the police station, ensures legal, efficient and prompt execution of tasks and orders measures and decisions in line with the law and the powers conferred upon him/her by the director of the police directorate. The head of police station is accountable to the director of the police directorate for his/her performance, the state of affairs at the police station and the performance of the police station.

A special police method of work comprises police offices. This is a work area reserved for police work. The emphasis is on advisory activities, receipt of notifications, collection of information and other duties not connected to emergency police measures.

A typical example of the location of a police office is a ski resort, for example.

Where the establishment of a police station with all appurtenant infrastructures and staff is not rational or a police office is not a suitable form of police work due to safety reasons, a police section as an internal organisation unit of a police station is established.

The Police perform their activities in the jurisdiction of one or more municipalities divided into police precincts. The heads of police precincts ensure various forms of assistance, perform preventative activities and cooperate with citizens, local authorities, companies and other subjects.

Police stations for the direct performance of police tasks within a particular area or some tasks within the range of responsibilities of a police directorate comprise:

  • Police station,
  • Traffic police station,
  • Maritime police station,
  • Airport police station,
  • Railway police station (abolished on 14 October 2007),
  • Mounted police station,
  • Service dog handler station;
  • Police station for compensatory measures.

There are also groups (border control and state border surveillance groups) organised within police stations which do not represent organisational units but rather work forms which originate from the Schengen Action Plan and its amendments and supplements as well as signed protocols.

There are also groups (security task groups and operative task groups) organised at the Brnik airport police station which again are not organisational units but work forms originating from the Schengen Action Plan and its amendments and supplements as well as signed protocols.