In the police, we are aware that special attention should be paid to violence, especially violence against the elderly, who are among the most vulnerable or at risk groups of the population.

sprehodIn order to prepare them as best as possible for potentially dangerous situations and to prevent them from becoming victims of criminal acts, we have prepared the project Do Not Forget About Safety, which has been implemented throughout Slovenia since 2005.

Neighbourhood police officers visit nursing homes for the elderly and also individuals and advise them on security. Their advice relates to: safe behavior in public places; carrying a wallet, purse and luggage; withdrawing money from an ATM; traveling by train or bus; money exchange; purchase of gold jewellery or other items; dealing with strangers visiting your home, etc.

During the interview, they are given a brochure that covers these safety topics. The purpose of the project is also for citizens to get to know the neighbourhood police officer in their area. If they need him/her, it's easier for them to contact him/her because they already know him/her.


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