
Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, will host a conference on the future management of the EU ...
Due to frequent violations of the Decree on the Prohibition of Driving in the Natural Environment, police officers of the Special Police Unit - Mountain Unit (PPE ...
In the last days of January, winter training of the police officers of the Special Police Unit - Mountain Unit took place. The training took place in a natural ...
On Monday and Tuesday, 3 and 4 March 2008, Director General of the Police Jože Romšek attended the international conference of chiefs of police in Vienna, ...
On Saturday, 1 March 2008, the new Decree Defining the Area of the International and Interstate Traffic Border Crossing of Republic of Slovenia at the External ...
The leadership of the Slovenian Police and Interior Minister Dragutin Mate paid their respects today at the Presidential Palace to the former president of the ...
Waldemar Kindler, President of the Bavarian State Police visited Slovenia on Thursday, 21. 2. 2008, at the invitation of Jože Romšek, Director General of the ...
On 1 January 2008 a new Aliens Act (Official Gazette No. 79/2007) entered into force in the Republic of Croatia, which lays down in art. 8 that unaccompanied minors ...
At its two-day meeting at Brdo pri Kranju, the Governing Board of the European Police College (CEPOL) discussed and adopted the 2009 work programme and draft ...
Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate in Director General of the Police Jože Romšek received six police officers, five citizens and a top athlete employed with ...
Both at the border and inland, the Slovenian police have recently discovered a number of vehicles stolen in other countries and then registered in Slovenia. In such ...
CEPOL, the European Police College established as a European Union Agency by Council Decision 2005/681/JHA, acts as a network of the national police training ...