
On 14 and 15 January 2008, the Slovenian Police hosted the members of the European Police Chiefs Task Force (EPCTF) Expanded Troika.
Today, on 10 January 2008, at the Ministry of the Interior - Police, Štefanova 2, Ljubljana, the Director General of the Police, Jože Romšek, received the police ...
Following the delivery of new police motorcycles and new police cars at the end of last year, the police today (9 January 2008) took delivery of 25 new VW Touareg ...
In the first half of 2008, during the Presidency of the UE Council, Slovenia will host several important events at international level. Therefore, the police have ...
The Director of the Criminal Police Directorate Aleksander Jevšek and his assistant Joze Črepinko also spoke with the Europol Director.
The Council of the European Union recently published a database containing documents of EU Member States on their website.
The Slovenian Police hosted members of the EPCTF Support Unit in Ljubljana, yesterday, on 19 December 2007.
At today's press conference, the Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate presented the brochure Slovenia, a New Schengen Member  issued by the Ministry of the ...
Until now the Police have used one vehicle with white-and-blue police markings and eight unmarked vehicles fitted with the Provida video surveillance system for road ...
Ten police officers who returned from three international peacekeeping missions were received on 3 December 2007 at 11 AM in the great conference room of the ...
Slovenia has also been using the Schengen Information System (SIS) since 1 September 2007 as one of the key compensatory measures. Police cooperation with ...
The opening ceremony for a conference marking the 10th anniversary of the participation of the police in international peacekeeping missions was held on 27 November ...