
At today's press conference of the General Police Directorate, Aleksander Jevšek, Director of the Criminal Police Directorate, and Harij Furlan, Head of the Group ...
At today's press conference of the General Police Directorate, Aleksander Jevšek, Director of the Criminal Police Directorate, and Harij Furlan, Head of the Group ...
On the Internet, undesired, fake e-mails, i.e. spam, have been circulating for some time. For example, one of them states that money for a girl's operation in Celje ...
In order to provide for safer preparation of motorcycle police officers for the start of the motorcycling season the police bought two simulators to be used in safe ...
On 29 January 2008, Matjaž Šinkovec, Deputy Director General of the Police, gave a reception, at the General Police Directorate, to the police officer, Aleš ...
The first informal meeting of ministers of the interior during the Slovenian Presidency was held today at Brdo pri Kranju. It was chaired by Dragutin Mate, Slovenian ...
Under the Chairmanship of Dragutin Mate, President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, the EU interior ministers discussed, during a working lunch at Brdo pri ...
As part of its endeavours to strengthen the fight against terrorism and cooperation between the competent services in the field of justice and home affairs the ...
On 17 January 2008, the Director General of the Police, Jože Romšek, and the Minister of the Interior, Dragutin Mate, presented awards to the most outstanding ...
Today, on 16 January 2008, at the General Police Directorate at Štefanova 2, Ljubljana, Deputy Director General of the Police Matjaž Šinkovec received the police ...
Under Article 109 of the Schengen Convention from 1990, any person has the right to have access to personal data entered in the SIS relating to them.
At today's press conference held at the Piran police station, the representatives of the Slovenian and Italian police and of the prosecutor's office presented a ...