
Deputy Director General of the Police Matjaž Šinkovec and Minister of the interior Dragutin Mate conferred police merit awards today as part of an official ...
Within the framework of a ship drill of the Special Unit, a field training exercise was implemented on Thursday, 19 June 2008.
Today, 18 June 2008, Director General of the Slovenian Police Jože Romšek together with his fellow Austrian and Hungarian colleagues and co-workers from the ...
Representatives of the Slovenian Police handed over the Presidency to the Administrative Council of CEPOL, the European Police Academy, on 16 and 17 June 2008 in ...
State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice Robert Marolt and State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior Zvonko Zinrajh attended the G8 Justice and Home Affairs ...
Today, 11 June 2008, on the premises of the Police Academy in Tacen, Director General of the Slovenian Police Jože Romšek and Director of the Uniformed Police ...
At today's press conference, organised by the General Police Directorate and the Customs Office of the RS in cooperation with the Croatian Police, which was held at ...
The Justice and Home Affairs Council, meeting in Luxembourg, approved the Conclusions on managing the external borders of the EU Member States, which are the result ...
At today's meeting in Luxembourg, the EU interior ministers adopted the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in ...
The delegations of the Slovenian and Croatian Police met in Metlika today, 4 June 2008, headed by the Director General of the Police Jože Romšek and General ...
The two-day meeting of EUCPN during Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council was held in Ljubljana yesterday and today, chaired by Tomaž Peršolja, Head of Criminal ...
Sandi Čurin, National Coordinator for the fight against the human trafficking presented the Report on the work of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the fight ...