
Recently we have been notified about the problems of Slovenian citizens using personal documents reported as lost or stolen.
This year, the Slovenian Police marks the 50th anniversary of the use of information technology and telecommunications. On this opportunity, a ceremony was organised ...
This June, criminal investigators from the Criminal investigation Police Section of Maribor Police Administration, the Criminal investigation Police Section of Celje ...
Due to numerous questions recently addressed by both citizens and media representatives to the police and concerning road stickers, their price, points of sale etc., ...
It has been a week since the school finished; for some, holiday has started, for others it is yet to start. The summer tourist season started, too. In the next few ...
The annual Criminal Police Training Programme was officially concluded today, 30 June 2008, at the Police Academy in Tacen. The new criminal police officers were ...
On 1 July 2008, several provisions of the Amendments of the Public Roads Act - PRA-C (Off. Gaz. RS, No. 45/2008, dated 9.5.2008) are to enter into force. On all toll ...
These days the Slovenian Police are organising several events to celebrate 27 June, designated as National Police Day. This date was chosen to remind us of the ...
At today's press conference at the Ljubljana Police Directorate, Tomaž Peršolja, Criminal Police Directorate, General Police Directorate, and Branko Japelj, Head ...
The Gotenica Supply Centre hosted the main celebration of National Police Day today, 20 June 2008. Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate, and Director General of ...
After a lengthy period of bad weather, a beautiful sunny weekend is ahead of us. Consequently, more road users, especially motor vehicles, are to be expected on the ...
Between 16 and 20 June 2008, representatives of the Montenegro Police visited the Uniformed Police Directorate at the General Police Directorate in Ljubljana.