
Traffic on already congested roads is expected to be even heavier because of school vacations next week and two holidays (Reformation Day on 31 October and All ...
A two-day training course for police officers from the specialised police unit (PPE) from all police directorates took place in the police training centre Gotenica ...
A two-day training course for police officers from the specialised police units (PPE) from all Police Directorates took place in the police training centre Gotenica ...
Major limitations of traffic are not expected during the visit by Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh between 21 and 23 October 2008, except for the time ...
The police are again this year presented at the Student Arena, the biggest educational fair for young people in Slovenia, which is taking place, for the ninth year, ...
Amendments to the Rules on the areas and head offices of police stations (hereinafter referred to as Rules) and to the Act on internal organisation, systematisation, ...
Deputy Police Director General Matjaž Šinkovec received on 13 October 2008 at the headquarters of the General Police Administration police officers who will depart ...
Representatives of the Security and Protection Offices, Boštjan Perklič, Franci Zupančič and Darko Javornik, who attended the basic training four years ago, took ...
Between 23 September and 7 October 2008, the Slovenian police, together with the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External ...
Heads of the Slovenian criminal police took part in the 77th Interpol General Assembly, held in Saint Petersburg in Russia between 6 and 10 October 2008.
The police advise all who make must and cider in this period to be extra cautious when preparing products which require spending much time in unventilated rooms, ...
Police Director General Jože Romšek received on 8 October 2008 at the headquarters of the General Police Administration the police officers who returned on 30 ...