
On 1 December the Sever Association and the Sever Police Veterans Society for Primorska and Notranjska held the main ceremony marking the association's memorial day ...
Slovenia has in the last few days met all the technical conditions for the exchange of fingerprint records among Member States, thus becoming one of the first ...
At today's press conference in Postojna, Slavko Koroš, head of the Organised Crime Section at the GPD Criminal Police Directorate, and Janez Godeša, head of the ...
The police are among the participants in the charity campaign Give a Toy and a Smile. We were very happy to accept the invitation of the promoters of the charity ...
Yesterday, 20 November 2008, saw the opening of an exhibition entitled Anew the Vines have Fruited at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. The theme of the exhibition is ...
At today's press conference at the Customs Office in Maribor, representatives of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia and the General Police ...
On Saturday 15 November 2008 a ceremony commemorating all those who died in the First World War was held at Lake Krn. This year's memorial expedition, the eleventh, ...
On 13 November the police deputy director general Matjaž Šinkovec met police officer Andrej Bogataj at the General Police Directorate. Bogataj is due to leave for ...
Candidates for the Special Unit, who have been training since May this year, completed their six-month training with a whole-day tactical exercise in Gotenica on 11 ...
Attention drivers! From 15 November onwards road vehicles must be fitted with the prescribed winter equipment.
Today, on 7 November 2008 the interior minister Dragutin Mate conferred the police service's highest awards on members of the police who have performed their duties ...
The residents of the old people's home in Fužine (Ljubljana) today received a visit from police officers. The chief of the local police district had prepared a talk ...