
On 26 December 2008, Slovenian police officers in Kosovo attended a ceremony, at the invitation of the members of the Slovenian Armed Forces, celebrating the ...
The Minister of the Interior, Katarina Kresal, and the Deputy Director General of the Police, Matjaž Šinkovec, received successful swimmers employed by the police, ...
During the holidays, unpleasant events may occur, such as burglaries, thefts from cars, car thefts, qualified thefts, robberies, etc. There are a number of measures ...
In accordance with the Council decision the Republic of Slovenia abolished border checks at internal Schengen land and sea borders on 21 December 2007, which was ...
During the Christmas-New Year holidays, some bottlenecks at the border crossings to Croatia may be expected, in particular at busier border crossings and those in ...
"At a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.8 g/l, the probability that a driver will cause an accident is 4 times greater," said Dr Karlovšek. "At a blood alcohol ...
The Police Orchestra captured the audience in its traditional Christmas-New-Year Concert held in the Gallus Hall of Cankarjev dom last night.
Last Sunday, the 12th European Short Course Swimming Championship took place in Rijeka, Croatia, where Slovenian swimmers - top athletes employed in the police force ...
In co-operation with the Police and Road Safety Education and Accident Prevention Council, the Party with your Head Foundation concluded the eighth season of this ...
Janez Novak, police chaplain, and Sanja Repše, of the Uniformed Police Directorate, received the Light of Peace from Bethlehem on 16 December 2008, in the entrance ...
The police have participated in the interministerial campaign "Alcohol kills - mostly innocent people", aimed at greater road safety, throughout December.
The first toys collected as part of the "Give a Toy, Get a Smile" project were distributed at the Institute for Rehabilitation Republic of Slovenia on 11 December ...