
On Wednesday, 10 June 23009, a commemorative ceremony on the Okrešelj marked already the twelfth anniversary of the greatest tragedies in the almost hundred ...
On Tuesday, 9 June, Ljubljana and Koper criminal investigators arrested in two operations five persons suspected of prostitution abuse. More information on the ...
The bathing season has begun, therefore the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning organised today, on 9 June 2009, a press conference, in which the ...
Today, on 8 June 2009, the representatives of the General Police Directorate and the Krško Police Directorate presented, at the press conference at Krško, the ...
At today's press conference we have presented activities of the police in the field of economic criminal offences and corrupetion in 2009 compared to the previous ...
Between 1 and 3 June, already the 7th annual test of dog handlers and police dogs for general tasks and for special tasks took place at Gotenica. The handlers and ...
Janko Goršek, Acting Director General, and Robert Črepinko, Assistant Director of Criminal Police Directorate, responded today to the statements given in the case ...
During the summer tourist season, traffic safety deteriorates every year. The Police, the Ministry of Transport, and other actors have prepared 45 preventive and ...
Children from the Jelka nursery school celebrated also this year the Nursery School Day with an afternoon sports and cultural event on the outdoor sports surfaces of ...
Alcohol and excessive speed are unfortunately still the two most common factors in road accidents with the most serious consequences. For this reason, the police ...
At the Police Academy in Tacen, a hundred participants listened today to the papers of the today's panel of experts under the title Protection of and assistance to ...
We advise all road users to drive especially carefully in case of strong rain, which these days is also occasionally accompanied by hail.  We warn the drivers ...