
On the external terrestrial border between Slovenia and Croatia and Hungary and Serbia, the fourth of five of this year's phases of the joint operation Neptun 2009 ...
At the first anniversary of the adoption of the new police ethics code, the police organised on 14 October 2009 a press conference on its development and importance ...
According to the collected data of police directorates, in the first two days of September no traffic accidents involving children on their way to or from school ...
In the Slovenian Police we are aware the education on safety is highly important; therefore, we devote many preventive projects to children. Within the week of the ...
At the Tacen Police Academy training range, police officers on motorcycles competed on 2 October 2009 in the sixth annual test of skilful motorcycle riding. Despite ...
Pedestrians are among the most endangered traffic participants, especially during autumn and winter. For the provision of their safety, police officers will be ...
"At the Ministry of the Interior and the police we are aware that the third life period is very important. It would be fair that it is also pleasant; however, it ...
On 22 and 23 September, the Director General of the Police Janko Goršek visited Montenegro where he met his counterpart, the Director of the Montenegrin Police ...
The first event that took place on 19 September 2009 in the Mercator Centre in Domžale has demonstrated that the idea of a healthy way of spending free time and of ...
At today's press conference the results of a successful criminal investigation were presented in which Slovenian police officers cooperated with their Italian and ...
Today, the Head of the Forensic Science Centre at the General police Directorate solemnly presented 30 pieces of historical weapons to the Museum of Recent History ...
From 8 to 10 September 2009 a seminar on the Bologna process in police education took place in Ljubljana that was organized by the Police Academy under the auspices ...