
Next week, on certain motorway sections where the problem of speeding is particularly acute (such as at toll stations, before road works, where a motorway turns into ...
Between 3 and 13 March, a preventive campaign will be taking place in Slovenia under the slogan Stop! Life Comes First, aimed at increasing road traffic safety at ...
Today, 2 March 2009, the acting Director General of the Police Janko Goršek, his Deputy Tatjana Bobnar, M.A., the Director of the Criminal Police Directorate at the ...
Days are getting longer, spring is coming. The periods of nice weather with higher temperatures will become longer and the driving conditions more favourable with ...
Today, 26 February 2009, sees the end of a two-day international seminar on road traffic safety, which is being attended by a number of European transport experts.
From 21 to 24 February 2009, i.e. from Shrove Saturday to Shrove Tuesday, it is carnival time and our streets will be filled with people in fancy dress. There will ...
Aleksander Jevšek, Director of the Criminal Police Directorate at the General Police Directorate, and Iztok Perenič, Head of the Criminal Police Division at the ...
The joint manual represents the beginning of a more in-depth cooperation in the field of operational use of police service dogs and training of police dog handlers ...
Between 8 and 22 February 2009 there will be intensified controls of the use of seat belts by drivers and passengers.
Slavko Koroš, Head of Organised Crime Division in the Criminal Police Directorate of the General Police Directorate, and Branko Japelj, Head of the Criminal Police ...
As there was a need to modernise the existing code, the police adopted a new Code of Police Ethics in October 2008, which replaced the code of 1992. The code's ...
The fair Informativa 09, which was held on 30 and 31 January 2009, also included a presentation by the police. At the police stall the numerous visitors were able to ...