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Today, the biggest automobile event in Slovenia, the AutoMotor Show, opened its doors at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre where also the police will present their activities. The show can be visited until Sunday, 6 September 2009, between 9 a.m. and 20 p.m.

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The police are presenting their equipment and official vehicles (a police motorcycle and a van used for examining crime scenes) as well as speed control devices (a vehicle with a Provida video surveillance system and a speedometer).

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At the exhibition area we will also tackle some preventive issues - heads of police precincts, a criminal police officer responsible for prevention and a safe driving instructor will provide advice on personal safety, protection against car break-ins and thefts, road traffic safety, etc. A criminal police technician will present the equipment used for investigating crime scenes.

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Visitors will have the opportunity to test their skills on a motorcycle simulator where they will also be assisted by a safe driving instructor. Based on the instructions of skilled police officers from the Special Unit you will be able to try out shooting on an electronic shooting simulator.

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Among other things, visitors will also be entertained by the police dog Arni and his handler will be answering questions pertaining to this field of police work.

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The police exhibition area was also visited by the Italian police attaché (second from the right-hand side).

On Saturday, September 5 at 11 a.m., on the platform of the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre a serious traffic accident will be simulated where traffic police officers will cooperate with firemen, rescuers and a tow-away service.

Considering the fact that currently a call for applications is underway through which we would like to attract the highest possible number of candidates for police officers, we will also be available to answer questions about getting employed with the police. The deadline for sending applications is 19 September 2009.