presentation of police work

Around 400 young people attend the Police College information day 19 February 2024
Visit to the Police Academy: the best reward for children who participated in the Safe on a Bike project 13 June 2023
Presence at the Collecta International Collectors Fair 30 March 2015
Conclusion of "Z glavo na zabavo" (Party with Your Head) for children and their parents 1 December 2009
Police officers in Novo mesto presented their role in protection and rescue operations 19 October 2009
The police presented itself in the Student arena 15 October 2009
In the end of the project Police Officer Leon Advises, the best contributions were exhibited and the pupils awarded 9 October 2009
The Minister for the Interior visited the Festival for the Third Life Period 1 October 2009
The "Z glavo na zabavo" (You Can Choose, Win or Lose) events started, with the cooperation of the police 21 September 2009
Plenty interest for police work at the Children's Bazaar 11 September 2009
Presentation of the police at the AutoMotor Show 4 September 2009
At the fair Informativa 09 great interest shown in police employment and training 2 February 2009
The police participated in events organised under the "Party with your Head" project in autumn 16 December 2008
Police Presented at Student Arena 15 October 2008
The police participate at the 8th Third Age Festival with preventive advice for senior citizens 3 October 2008
Police delighted young visitors of the Children's Bazaar 17 September 2008
Presentation of Police Work at Kranfest 25 July 2008
Celebration of National Police Day in Gotenica 20 June 2008