
The Slovenian police officers are meeting the challenge presented by the mass influx of refugees and migrants across our country into the Western Europe in a ...
Mr Martin Ozmec, a journalist and the editor of the regional radio broadcasting "Radio Tednik Ptuj", addressed a letter of thanks with photographs to Maribor Police ...
At the initiative of members of the emergency police unit, who witnessed the hardship endured by migrants first hand, the employees of the Ruše police station ...
Here are some photos taken at the reception centre in Brežice (on 30 October 2015) and accommodation centre in Šentilj (on 1 November 2015).
As of 7 am today, Slovenian Railways trains carrying migrants from other Slovenian regions to the accommodation centre at Šentilj will no longer stop at the ...
Press releases on police activities related to current migration flows
Over the last fortnight, the police work was mainly dictated by the intensified security situation caused by masses of migrants entering our country. It appears that ...
When asked about their cooperation in handling migrants, both Slovenian police officers and members of the Slovenian armed forces replied it was "excellent".
This afternoon, Director General of the Police Marjan Fank visited members of the Specialised Police Unit and other police officers in the Brežice area, who have ...
During the night of 25 to 26 October 2015, over 4,000 migrants made their way to Brežice, crossing Slovenian farmland and difficult terrain on foot under police ...
The Ministry of the Interior has never limited volunteers, including NGO representatives, in their contacts with migrants.
Here are some aerial photos taken today, 22 October 2015, by the Police Aviation Unit. They show reception centres located in Dolenjsko region (at Rigonce, Dobova, ...