
Press releases on police activities related to current migration flows
In accordance with the Rules on the acquisition, disposal and management of service animals by the Police, no. 024-162/2015/6 (21-04) as of 7 April 2016 (hereinafter ...
Press releases on police activities related to current migration flows.
On 29 April 2016, Slovenia deployed eight police officers to the Island of Lesbos, Greece, in a joint operation coordinated by Frontex (the Agency for the Management ...
Since mid-September 2015, Slovenia, the Slovenian police and citizens have faced a migrant crisis, the vast extent of which was not anticipated. In its current ...
Press releases on police activities related to current migration flows
The Slovenian police are sending a fourth group of seven police officers and one female officer to Macedonia from 30 March to 29 April 2016 to carry out joint ...
On 14 March 2016, marking the 27th anniversary of the European Network of Policewomen (ENP), a special course was held for policewomen from six countries at the ...
The second group of twenty Slovakian police officers, who were helping out at the Šentilj accommodation centre between 4 February and 4 March 2016, completed their ...
On 4 November 2015, several votive sculptures of figures praying were found in one of the tents at the Gruškovje reception centre. They had been left behind by an ...
Press releases on police activities related to current migration flows
In connection with some recent reports in the media about the number of migrants allowed to cross the border daily, it is important to explain that this is not a new ...