
Nearly 900 arrests and 7.7 tonnes of drugs seized: these are only a few of the final results from Operation Blue Amber, a series of international actions in 2015 led ...
The police chiefs gathered at Brdo pri Kranju on 4 December 2015 at the invitation of Marjan Fank, Director General of the Slovenian Police, to discuss stepping up ...
Five members of the French National Police who served at the reception centre in Gruškovje between 9 and 29 November 2015 completed their mission in Slovenia.
On 30 November 2015, Karoly Papp, Director General of the Hungarian Police, paid a visit to the Hungarian police officers who were assisting the Slovenian police in ...
Press releases on police activities related to current migration flows
In view of today's start of police strike, Government's decision to continue negotiations with both police trade unions and exchange of heated statements, the ...
It has been reported in some media that Slovenia is closing its borders. These reports are false.
Effective as of today, the amended Article 101 of the Organisation and Work of the Police (ZODPol), as published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia ...
In the Maribor police directorate area, the Slovenian police are being assisted by 6 Austrian, 20 Slovakian, 20 Hungarian and 5 French colleagues. At 11 am today, ...
"We are still worried and cannot allow the further dispersal of refugees along the green border. But this does not mean sealing off the border or preventing refugees ...
The information that some border crossing points with Croatia are closed is incorrect.
52 Hungarian police officers, who are to provide assistance to their Slovenian counterparts, were received today, 9 November 2015 at 12.30, at Dolga vas border ...