
The Slovenian police are sending a third group of seven police officers, including a female officer, to work in Macedonia from 25 February to 25 March. The officers ...
Eight migrants, seven Iraqis and one Iranian, were flown to their countries of origin on 25 February 2016, after they had decided to return home.
At the meeting in Zagreb on 18 February 2016, the police chiefs of Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia signed a declaration on uniform approach to ...
The Slovenian police are sending a second group of six police officers to Macedonia from 10 February to 11 March 2016 to carry out joint patrols and joint controls ...
Press releases on police activities related to current migration flows
Austrian security bodies are still receiving migrants in the agreed way, and have not limited their intake yet. Today, the Slovenian police have sent the first 500 ...
The contingents of Latvian and Austrian police, who had helped the Slovenian police deal with the influx of migrants, left Slovenia today.
The Slovenian Police deployed six members to serve in Macedonia between 5 January and 5 February and to conduct border patrolling together with Macedonian police ...
Twenty Slovakian police officers, who were working at the Gruškovje and Središče ob Dravi reception centres as well as the Podlehnik, Gorišnica and Ormož police ...
Press releases on police activities related to current migration flows
In response to numerous questions referring to the refusal of entry to a group of migrants, we would like to explain that the Austrian law enforcement authorities, ...
The Republic of Bulgaria police were among the police forces that responded to the request made by Slovenian Minister of the Interior Vesna Györkös Žnidar to help ...