
Between 15 and 21 April 2024, a preventive campaign to reduce speed on our roads took place across the country, which culminated on 19 April in a speed enforcement ...
The Director General of the Police Senad Jušić attended an informal meeting of police chiefs in London, United Kingdom, today, 18 April 2024.
The much-anticipated motorcycle-riding season is once again in full swing. Police officers are doing their best to keep the roads as safe as possible so that the ...
Yesterday, 3 April 2024, the members of the Nova Gorica Inter-Municipal Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired were presented the new modifications to ...
On 3 April 2024, a ceremony was held at the Police Academy in Tacen to honour brave, devoted and selfless members of the police force and the public who have saved ...
The police have been investigating a growing number of fraudulent phone calls concerning bogus profit from investment in cryptocurrencies. In 2023, more than 500 ...
This year's ski jumping weekend in Planica was tinged with both nostalgia and celebration, as Slovenian ski jumper Peter Prevc, employed at the Top Athletes Section ...
Last week, detectives and officers of the Koper Police Administration found and seized a large amount of illicit drugs in the Koper port area. The police arrested ...
Recently, on 7 March 2024, officers of the Novo mesto Police Station for Compensatory Measures inspected a vehicle with Romanian number plates at the Obrežje border ...
Spring temperatures and the first warmer sunrays are a welcome invitation for motorcyclists to take to the roads. The most impatient ones have already taken their ...
Cooperation with neighbouring countries in detecting and preventing illegal migrations is essential, therefore we conducted tighter joint control of the border ...
Director General of the Police Senad Jušić and his Assistant Jože Senica responded to the invitiation and paid a working visit to the Directir General of the ...