
Meteorologists' forecasts are coming true; much of southern and eastern Europe is in the grip of a severe heat wave that keeps persisting. Unfortunately, this is ...
The Air Support Unit of the Slovenian Police has acquired a new tractor to be used to tow helicopters and carry out various works on the helipad.
Police officers and criminal investigators from the Nova Gorica Police Directorate found one of the largest cannabis cultivation laboratories in the country in the ...
On Monday, the Slovenian national football team faced Portugal in the eighth-final match of UEFA EURO 2024 at Frankfurt Arena, Germany. Slovenian police officers, ...
Jože Senica, Assistant Director General of the Police, attended the fourth United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit that took place in New York from 26 to 28 June ...
Every year in June, the Slovenian police mark their day with various events, celebrations and other activities. Today, 27 June 2024, we commemorated it with a ...
The temporary reintroduction of controls at Slovenia's internal borders with Croatia and Hungary have been extended for another six months, up to and including 21 ...
Numerous European citizens have already been victims of burglary. Fortunately, burglaries can be prevented, and preventive action is much cheaper than paying for the ...
On 17 June 2024, the European Roads Policing Network (Roadpol) launched the pan-European enforcement action called Operation Alcohol & Drugs. The Slovenian ...
While the European Football Championship is in full swing, today was the day that Slovenian fans had been eagerly awaiting. It was not only the players and fans who ...
Children's cheerful chatter filled the premises of the Police Academy in Tacen on 6 June 2024, as the police estate beneath St Mary’s Hill (Šmarna gora) hosted 65 ...
The Slovenian Police held an inter-institutional roundtable at the premises of the Ministry of the Interior on threats of violence in schools and educational ...