Police Orchestra

Women's Day in the Police marked with a music event 8 March 2024
Today's Veterans Peace March accompanied by the Police Orchestra 21 September 2023
Police Orchestra rocks the capital! 9 September 2023
Slovenian Embassy in Zagreb presents a concert by the Police Orchestra 22 June 2023
Rendering the life-guiding principles of love and friendship into music. Police orchestra celebrates 75th anniversary 28 March 2023
Ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the Special Unit. Red Panthers proudly mark half a century of work and development 16 March 2023
Protocol and concert activity 12 November 2021
Celebration of the Police Day and opening of new Forensic Laboratory building 24 June 2015
Medals in recognition of bravery and self-sacrifice for 33 officers and 15 citizens 23 December 2014
Veniger: "Slovenian police are an organisation with tradition; its employees give meaning to the word security." 27 June 2013
40 years of the employment of women officers in the Slovenian Police 8 March 2013
"The sky is only blue in the sun, the police also in the dark" - the main ceremony marking the Police Day 28 June 2011
Fourteen years since tragic accident below Turska gora 10 June 2011
Unveiling of memorial in Dragomer to commemorate data storage of interior authorities during Independence War 8 June 2011
Service dog handlers and their four-legged companions pit their skills at the 9th annual trials 2 June 2011
Ceremony Marking the Opening of the New Premises of the National Bureau of Investigation and the 60th Anniversary of the Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology 1 February 2010
Exhibition opening at the 20th anniversary of Operation Sever 12 January 2010
Festive atmosphere at the Police Orchestra Christmas and New Year concert 23 December 2009
Main celebration of the 20th anniversary of Operation Sever 1 December 2009
Traditional commemoration "Krn - Remembrance Hike 1918-2009" 16 November 2009
Police officers in Novo mesto presented their role in protection and rescue operations 19 October 2009
Main celebration of the Police Day in Tacen 24 June 2009
It is now twelve years since the tragic accident under Turška gora mountain 11 June 2009
The Police Orchestra captures its audience in the Christmas-New Year Concert 16 December 2008
Memorial day ceremony of the Sever Association and reception for police officers wounded during the war of independence 1 December 2008
Police Presented at Student Arena 15 October 2008
Police motorcyclists demonstrated their skill at the 5th annual motorcycle trials; 15th anniversary of trials; special exhibition and promotional tour 26 September 2008
Opening of the 7th Police Games 19 September 2008
Police delighted young visitors of the Children's Bazaar 17 September 2008
Ceremony on the Occasion of 50th Anniversary of the Use of Information Technology and Telecommunications in the Slovenian Police 3 July 2008
Celebration of National Police Day in Gotenica 20 June 2008
Police merit awards presented during official ceremony 19 June 2008
Commemorative emblems awarded on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Police Orchestra 11 June 2008
Ceremony Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Police Orchestra 3 April 2008
Ceremony marking the lifting of border checks on internal flights 1 April 2008