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To ensure order and safety on the ski slopes, the ski resort operator must provide a supervisory service.

The supervisors ensure order and safety on the ski slopes,
and the police officers perform the usual tasks for protecting life and assets of people on the ski slopes.

picture of a police supervisor inspecting a skier

The police officers establish any violations of order on the ski slopes which occur because someone skied under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other psychoactive medicine. They also consider accidents happening on the ski slopes in which someone suffered serious injury to body or died.

picture of a police officer superviser checking a skier with a breathalyzer

Establishing the level of alcohol for the skier is in the competency of police officers, who can subsequently order the alcohol test for the skier. If the police officer determines that the skier has in the organism exceeding level of alcohol as is defined by law, or if the skier rejects to carry out the test or does not sign the police record, the police officer can:

  • prohibit them from continuing skiing or can confiscate their ski ticket without any return of money or
  • prohibit them from continuing skiing and inform the ski slope manager, who can revoke the ticket validity and making sure that they cannot purchase a new one on the same day,
  • declare a fine,
  • ensure the skier a return to the valley if the ticket enables this.

picture of a police officer supervisor inspecting a skier

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