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Despite the fact that in everyday life in Slovenia we do not encounter such extreme cases as kidnappings, extortion and hostage-taking, some preventive advice can also be useful for Slovenian citizens if they find themselves in such situations at home or abroad.

picture of two girls, victims of hostage takingDue to private and / or professional circumstances, or if you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, you may become a victim of this type of crime.

If you are aware of the danger, you can also prevent or at least reduce it with appropriate preventive measures.

However, if you do become a victim of this type of crime, doing the right thing can increase the chances of the situation being resolved as quickly and safely as possible.

In the brochure prepared by the European Network of Experts (EuNAT), we publish a number of preventive advice and other useful information. EuNAT is a network of experienced law enforcement professionals from across Europe, offering mechanisms to establish immediate international cooperation in response to threats such as kidnapping, hostage situations or extortion in which human lives are at risk.

EUNAT - Prevention and Coping Strategies - brochure cover picturePrevention and Coping Strategies -
Kidnapping, Hostage Taking, Extortion


UNESCO Terrorism And The Media - handbook cover picture Terrorism and the Media - A Handbook for Journalists

(Prepared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), available in English)