Slovenian police officers have already received several reports of extortion online and on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The victims were mostly minors (both boys and girls), and some of the victims were also adults. The perpetrators took advantage of their ignorance, naivety, overconfidence and loneliness. In addition to financial damage, extortion with intimate recordings also causes users severe psychological distress.


Don't fall for it - Say No! (Europol)  

Don't fall for it - Say No! (Anna's Story) 

Don't fall for it - Say No! (George's story)  

Protect your privacy well!

Think twice before posting or submitting photos.

Instead, don't post or send your intimate photos or videos to anyone!

Once published on the internet, it is almost impossible to delete them.

Sexual harassment and extortion online is a crime!

It all starts seemingly innocent…

Common to all cases is that a stranger, usually under a fictitious name and with a false profile, pretends to be the victim's peer. After confirming the "friendship" on the social network, the stranger sends a few private messages to the minor or adult user and suggests that all their further communication take place via other online fast communication networks, especially through video communication services such as Skype.

"You look totally awesome"

After a few contacts, when (false) trust is established between them, the stranger takes advantage of the information provided by the victim and prepares the user to send him his nude photo or to undress, in extreme cases even masturbating in front of the camera.

Pay, otherwise I'll publish it all!

The stranger records this doing, and then extortion begins. More similar sexual activities are required or new, even more intimate photos from the victim. Or money is required (from 300 to 1,500 euros). If victim doesn't want to give the money, a stranger threatens that the victim's naked or half-naked videos will be published online: on forums and portals visited by the victim's friends. A stranger also threatens to send them to victim's acquaintances or parents and co-workers and employer if the victim is employed. ,,,


The police and the national SI-CERT center advise

  • Users of the web, social networks, chat rooms, forums must be aware of the rules that will protect their privacy.
  • It is recommended that you get acquainted with the privacy settings provided by social network operators, and also set them so that their privacy is protected and posts are visible only to their friends and not to the general public. Many providers change their privacy settings several times, so it's recommended to check these settings regularly.
  • Users should be aware of the possibilities of reporting harassment to the operator of social networks or microblogging platforms, as well as the possibility and method of blocking unwanted contacts.
  • Larger set of t. i. friends, contacts than the user has, the greater the reason for protecting privacy. Especially in cases where there are people among them that the user does not know personally. Therefore, users should be careful when adding new friends on the social network and should not trust a stranger just based on a photo. Anyone can hide behind a beautiful "profile".
  • Users should not provide any personal information about themselves or others, nor should they post their own or other photos. The photos can round up too quickly even among those who are not meant for, and there is a high risk of being blackmailed with them, especially if they are intimate.
  • Do not consent to undressing while talking to strangers via Skype or other networks.
  • The webcam should be turned off when not in use.
  • It is recommended to stop communication that starts in the manner described above or similar, and to block all contacts (even when threats have already occurred). This is the only way you can break the vicious circle of extortion. You should not let blackmailers know that you are in distress, because they will only use this to their advantage. By no means do not send them money. Don’t be fooled by promises they will delete the disputed recordings after payment. On the contrary, they will demand ever-increasing amounts from you, under various excuses.
  • In the event that the disputed content is published on the internet, please contact SI-CERT (at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for assistance in removing this content.
  • If your loved one is the victim of the described act, do not condemn him, but listen to him and help him. Sometimes such actions not only have material consequences, but can also lead to other, even tragic consequences due to the victim's exposure.
  • If you are a victim of extortion, do not keep it to yourself, but immediately seek the help of parents, guardians, relatives, friends, educators.
  • We suggest that you report it to the police (at the nearest police station), and contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to help remove publicly published intimate recordings.
  • We advise parents and guardians to handle devices that enable their children to visit the World Wide Web responsibly. They should teach children about the safe use of the internet and explore, learn and gain experience together.
  • Act responsibly and safely when using the World Wide Web!

The target of extortion with intimate photos are not only teenagers, there is also financial gain at the expense of careless adult Internet users!

The SI-CERT National Response Center has so far recorded many cases of extortion with intimate photographs of adults. Even in these cases, extortion begins with a seemingly harmless conversation with a stranger on a social network, and financial damages can be very high, ranging from 1,700 to 5,000 euros and more. The actual number of victims is probably much higher, as many are ashamed to report such events.

European police have joined forces and launched the Campaign Say No!, which is also supported by Europol.

As part of the campaign, a lot of material was prepared to raise awareness of this issue. The campaign also provides information on the protection of privacy, the possibility of reporting and the appropriate response of each of us.

Related content

Internet security
Online sexual coercion and extortion is a crime (Europol)
Awareness centre SAFE.SI
Your life is online. Protect it! (Europol)
Removing links to explicit content (Europol)
How to set your privacy settings on social media (Europol)