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Driving in the opposite direction is extremely dangerous and is also prohibited by law.

This stipulates that it is forbidden to drive in the opposite direction on a road that has two or more marked traffic lanes for driving in one direction.

drawing of the sign: Stop, wrong wayPreventive advice for drivers driving in the opposite direction

  • If a driver realises that he/she is driving in the wrong direction on the motorway, he/she should stop the vehicle immediately (preferably off the carriageway and in such a way as to avoid endangering himself/herself or other road users).
  • He/she should inform the police, who will ensure adequate security of the place.

Preventive advice for other drivers

  • If drivers are informed that a vehicle is coming from the opposite direction on the motorway, they should reduce their speed, put on all four indicators if necessary and drive especially carefully!
  • They should drive on the right-hand carriageway and not overtake.
  • They should inform the police about drivers driving in the opposite direction.

The most common reasons for driving in the opposite direction on motorways:

  • deliberately driving in the opposite direction (disobeying traffic signals, reckless driving, betting),
  • driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or other psychoactive substances (driver is unaware of his/her actions),
  • poorer psycho-physical driving skills (in particular, some elderly people are not used to driving on motorways and inadvertently drive in the opposite direction on the motorway).

Actions by police officers

drawing of the sign motorway warning - create an emergency corridorPolice officers detect the violation themselves or are informed about it by drivers who have noticed it. In such cases, police officers try to stop the dangerous driver as soon as possible and remove the vehicle to the parking lane or another suitable place.

They inform the media (e.g. radios) and the road manager (to use notice boards on portals) about the danger threatening to other drivers.

They can also slow down and, if necessary, divert traffic, adequately secure the place where the vehicle stops (for example, on hard shoulder) and more.

They determine the sanction for the violator and arrange for the safe removal of the vehicle. If the violator is not tracked down immediately, they begin to collect facts about the circumstances of the offense that are necessary for the offense procedure (for example, with notices from other drivers).

picture of a motorway accident due to driving in opposite direction

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