
On 23 September in Dobruška vas, the police presented a project entitled "Skupa-j", which they had joined in 2013. It is aimed at preventing discrimination and ...
On 3 September, Director General of the Police Stanislav Veniger received the police officers who served in Croatia during the summer tourist season.
Trucks are involved in about 10 percent of all traffic accidents on Slovenian roads. Every year the police officers find around 32.000 violations committed by ...
On 13 August the police held a press conference about their activity carried out at the Obrežje border crossing, with particular emphasis placed on illegal ...
On 17 July 2014, the Director General of the Police, Stanislav Veniger, received police officer Dejan Lenarčič leaving to work with the EULEX (European Union Rule ...
Slovenia's Director General of the Police, Stanislav Veniger, and Austria's Director General for Public Security, Konrad Kogler, had a bilateral meeting on 16 July ...
Between 8 and 10 July 2014 representatives of the Macedonian Ministry of the Interior and the Police made a study visit to the Slovenian police in order to learn ...
Experts from Slovenia's Ministry of the Interior and the police co-taught the fourth workshop on the use of joint investigation teams to combat human trafficking in ...
This international investigation certainly confirms the fact that Slovenia still remains an important factor in illegal drug trafficking on the Balkan route. The ...
On 8 July 2014 a Ukrainian delegation visited the Slovenian police to be brought up to speed with best practice in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of ...
On 8 July, Director General of the Police hosted a reception for His Excellency the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Slovenia, Pieter Langenberg, and ...
On Thursday, the 12th June 2014, the Police Academy in Tacen hosted the first conference on e-learning in the Police. The authors of papers discussed the challenges ...