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Interpol General Secretariat hosted the 68th session of the INTERPOL European Committee. 

Slovenian INTERPOL European Committee representative, Borut Selan, Head of the International Police Cooperation Division at the Criminal Police Directorate, attended the session, which took place from 26 to 27 November 2014 at the INTERPOL General Secretariat headquarters in Lyon, France, which was chaired by the Hungarian representative, Matyas Hegyaljai.


The European committee is INTERPOL's regional executive body and consists of eight members, representatives of Interpol National Central Bureaus. The INTERPOL European Committee members are elected for a four year period and meet three times a year. The Committee provides recommendations to the European Regional Conference, which is the highest governing body of Interpol in the European region, while its task is also to discuss, assess and consult on strategies and policies, arising from the cooperation in the fight against crime in the European region.


The main topics on the meeting's agenda included promotion of the full use of the global INTERPOL database of stolen and lost documents (Initiative of the Italian EU Presidency, in line with Conclusions of the European Council, the "I-Checkit" project and "Foreign Fighters" project), approval of the European Action Plan for the period 2014 ? 2016, INTERPOL cooperation with the European union and Europol as well as activities of INTERPOL liaison officers networks.

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INTERPOL European Committee Representatives from Estonia, Israel, the Russian Federation, France, Sweden, Italy, Hungary and Slovenia attended the meeting as well as the special INTERPOL representative at the European Union in Brussels, the INTERPOL Liaison officer at Europol, the Europol liaison officer at INTERPOL and the representative of INTERPOL General Secretariat.


Following a joint decision of heads of National Central Bureaus of South-Eastern Europe, The Slovenian representative at the European Committee represents also the interests of other countries in the region: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia.