In his article published on 23 September 2019 and entitled A different kind of promotion for Slovenia: American news agency AP baffled at the fact that the Slovenian Police is even thankful to them, a journalist of the daily newspaper Večer [Evening] is posing a question, albeit a rhetorical one, whether we really want Slovenia’s promotion to be tinged with actions of self-organized guards? This question is on point because, at the beginning of August this year, when we thoroughly explained to the public the circumstances of events and the activities which the Police is carrying out in this regard, and in the light of persistent and often one-sided references to this story, the Police called attention to a similar question: Why and who is putting power in the hands of eccentrics and extremists? The Police understand the role of the media, their function of a watchdog, and their right to freedom of expression in speech and writing. We are also aware that the media wields special power which can legitimize the actions of individuals and raise their visibility. This is precisely the responsibility the media bears on its shoulders.

At the end of August, the Police received a request of the Associated Press (AP) news agency that wanted to film statements about the operations of Slovenian-Italian mixed patrols and the so-called “home guards”. The Police provided an interviewee for mixed patrols from the Police Directorate Koper and an interviewee for the self-organized guards from the Police Directorate Novo Mesto. After coordinating the arrangement with the news agency several times, AP decided to interview only the interviewee from the Police Directorate Novo Mesto, who responded to questions of AP journalists regarding the prevention of illegal migration at the southern border and the self-organized guards.

The interviewee highlighted that the citizens living in the area under the jurisdiction of Police Directorate Novo Mesto trust Police and give them information about suspicious persons and suspicious vehicles and that Police is grateful for this support. This statement regarding the gratitude for support referred to citizens, i.e. the local community, and not to individuals from self-styled groups who do not inform Police, who do not have any authorizations to carry out any procedures in the event of security issues, and who do not ensure security in the country.

In fact, just the opposite is true – the so-called “home guards” represent a security risk; therefore the Police clearly and firmly denounces the establishment of such groups, the operations of which we monitor closely, consequently adjusting our measures to ensure security and assessing potential unlawful conduct. It is true that we had recently not detected that individuals would be uniting with the purpose of preparing, planning, organizing or carrying out petty or criminal offences; however, such events include certain clues, suspicions, and elements of criminal conduct. We, therefore, examine all such cases and, together with competent prosecutors, assess the legality of actions.

The Slovenian Police will continue to implement effective measures for the prevention of illegal migration at the southern border and to ensure security within the country. Anyone can support the work of Police if such support is performed in a socially acceptable manner, i.e. by joining the auxiliary Police force. We also explained this to the American news agency AP again in writing.

The rhetorical question this poses is who has the motive or interest to "promote" the operations of self-styled groups in Slovenia?