tighter traffic control

Bus traffic roadside enforcement carried out by police and inspection authorities 13 April 2023
Tighter checks on speeding 17 August 2015
Police officers check over 3,000 cargo vehicles and 300 busses during Operation Bus & Truck 30 July 2015
Speed control marathon slows down traffic on Slovenian roads 17 April 2015
Slovenian police officers stop and check 44 buses in Campaign Mermaid 1 August 2011
Motorcyclists: use adequate protection and be visible - press conference info 13 June 2011
Drinking and driving are not compatible - information from the press conference 18 December 2009
Police announce stricter traffic control on motorways between 18 and 25 November 17 November 2009
Stricter control of mental and physical fitness of drivers during St Martin's Feast 6 November 2009
A Europe-wide campaign: Seatbelts - Buckle Up and Live! 3 September 2009
Alcohol kills - most often the innocent - forecast of more tighter police controls of the mental and physical state of drivers 29 May 2009
Beginning of the preventive campaign Speed, slower is safer - information from the press conference 21 April 2009
A Safe Carnival - Information 16 February 2009
Intensified control of the use of seat belts - Operation Fasten Your Life 6 February 2009
Before the holidays, police officers throughout Europe control psycho-physical condition of over a million drivers 23 January 2009
Stricter traffic control and checks on drivers ability over the weekend - Do not drink and drive! 12 December 2008
The Slovenian police takes part in the Lifesaver project to reduce deaths on Europe-s roads 3 December 2008
St Martin's Day and December festivities - Alcohol kills: most often the innocent! 5 November 2008
The Truck Action - Slovenian Police Coordinate the Largest Pan- European Supervision of International Goods Transport 14 March 2008