Disbursement of EU funds

Annual programme: LP2012




Project content:

Within the framework of this action, Police, in order to improve the capacity and qualifications of border guards in controlling end overseeing the external border, shall carry out a number of trainings. Within the framework of these trainings, we shall encourage the use of modern technologies for improving personal controls at border crossing points and for their effective use, improved qualifications regarding the detection of document abuse, qualifications for sharing information and effective real-time queries through national police records, SIS and VIS, communicating and conducting interviews in English, as well as introduction of unified educational training. The purpose of the project is to improve the efficiency of border guards in carrying out border control at border crossings and protecting the external border outside border crossings.



Project results:

5 types of planned trainings were performed , additionally one more type was performed.



Financial information:

Costs of the project amount to  12.215,09 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of  9.161,32 EUR, which is 75%.