Disbursement of EU funds


ISLE-IC International Specialist Law Enforcement, Improved Capabilities

Slo: Mednarodno policijsko tajno delovanje - izboljšanje sposobnosti



Project FIRST LINE - Awareness raising and prevention of radicalisation

  Internal Security Fund (2014-2020), field: Police cooperation and crises management     FIRST LINE Practitioners Dealing with Radicalization Issues - Awareness Raising and Encouraging Capacity Building in the Western Balkan Region, project No. HOME/2014/ISFP/AG/RADX/7533   The FIRST LINE project builds on Brdo Process conclusions, adopted at the Informal Interior Ministers Meeting (June 2014). At this meeting, special attention was devoted to issues of strengthening regional cooperation and coordinated EU assistance in complying with conditions of Chapter 24, the need for further development of cooperation in the fight against terrorism and effective fight of new risks and threats to WB security also affecting EU security. It builds on the EU Regional Workshop on Countering Violent Extremism in the Western Balkans (Oct 2014) organized by EEAS, EC and US Government. It directly addresses the need for relations between EU Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN) and equivalent actors in the WB and is focused on enhancing awareness and understanding needed for the setting up of adequate national RAN capacities/structures in the WB region. It also supports the work of the Counter-Terrorism Initiative (CTI) Network of police experts initiated by Slovenia and formally established in 2011 under the auspices of the Brdo Process, aimed at improving information exchange, introduction of EU standards and support specifically operational police work.   The project objective is to raise awareness of first-line practitioners, to transfer knowledge, experiences and good practices in accordance with the EU RAN model which will help WB project partners when creating appropriate conditions to independently identify main threats, challenges, impacts, as well as opportunities and strengthen cooperation and involvement of all relevant national stakeholders based on the EU RAN model.   Specific project objectives: to enhance relevant beneficiary stakeholders capability (i.e. Police, other LEAs, Prison & Probation authorities, healthcare & education sector, NGOs, etc.) to recognize main threats and aspects which stimulate growing of radicalization, which can lead to violent extremism and terrorism including foreign fighters; to assist in understanding of international, EU legal standards and policies aiming at radicalization and recruitment; to raise certain awareness at strategic and systemic level, enabling WB beneficiary stakeholders for easier and more effective use of measures for identification of trigger factors which influence radicalization; to assist the WB region in recognizing of own potentials, relevant stakeholders and their role; where appropriate for the WB project partner to transfer of good practices developed within the EU collection of approaches, lessons learned and practices; to enable a regular information exchange via SIENA, case analyses, MOs and good practices at operational police level via CTI Network.   Activities: Kick-off event; Preparation and analysis of a radicalisation state of play questionnaire for the WB; 2 day preliminary visits to WB project partners; 6 interactive workshops to initiate awareness raising in areas identified by EC RAN projects; 4 CTI Network operational meetings; set-up of a secure CTI WEBpage; preparation & adoption of a CTI SIENA communication protocol; Closing conference.   Activities will: stimulate discussions on risks of radicalization, the need of multi-agency and horizontal approach to such risks and lead to the identification of weaknesses and gaps as well as opportunities for effectively preventing radicalization; suggest the creation of conditions for establishing of national platforms to address the problem of radicalization properly; encourage WB project partners to recognize primary risks and reasons and address them within a coordination body, whose members will hereafter be responsible for knowledge transfer and coordination of first-line practitioners.   BENEFICIARIES: first-line practitioners from WB project partners; project consortium (AT, BE, CZ, HR, DK, SI); other EU MS; CTI Network.   Expected results: record and analysis of the State of play of project partners and thereby the WB region; raised awareness due to interactive inter-agency/inter-sector workshops; shared good practices between WB region and EU in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the counter-terrorism field and to strengthen use of common standards; secure CTI WEBpage; SIENA communication protocol for the CTI Network.   Project duration: 15.1.2016 – 14.1.2018 + 5 months (until 14.6.2018) Funding: Internal Security Fund (2014-2020), instrument for financial support for Police cooperation and crises management Call for proposals: Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism, 2014 Project value: 976.236,11 EUR Eligible costs: 948.872,91 EUR EU co-financing: 853.805,62 EUR Co-financing rate: 90%     FIRST LINE project partners in alphabetical order: AL - Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Policisë së Shtetit (General Directorate of Albanian Police) AT - Bundesministerium für Inneres, Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Federal Agency for State Protection and Counter Terrorism) BA - Direkcija za koordinaciju policijskih tijela BiH (Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina) BA - Državna agencija za istrage i zaštitu (State Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina) BA - Ministarstvo sigurnosti Bosne i Hercegovine (Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina) BE - Belgische Federale Politie (Belgian Federal Police) CZ - Útvar pro odhalovani organizovaného zločinu, Služby kriminálni policie a vyšetřování, Policie Češké republiky (Police of the Czech Republic, Organized Crime Division, Criminal Police and Investigation Service) HR - Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske (Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia) Kosovo* - Ministria e Punëve të Brendshme e Republikës së Kosovës, Policia ë Kosovës (Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Kosovo, Kosovo Police) MK - Министерство за внатрешни работи нa Pепублика Mакедонија, Yправа за безбедност и контраразузнавање (Ministry of the Interior of Macedonia, Security and Counterintelligence Service) MNE - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Crne Gore, Uprava policije (Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro, Police Directorate) RS - Министарство унутрашњих послова Републиke Србијe (Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia) * This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.    



Improvement of border guards' competences for implementation of duties related to control and checks - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: Within the framework of this action, Police, in order to improve the capacity and qualifications of border guards in controlling end overseeing the external border, shall carry out a number of trainings. Within the framework of these trainings, we shall encourage the use of modern technologies for improving personal controls at border crossing points and for their effective use, improved qualifications regarding the detection of document abuse, qualifications for sharing information and effective real-time queries through national police records, SIS and VIS, communicating and conducting interviews in English, as well as introduction of unified educational training. The purpose of the project is to improve the efficiency of border guards in carrying out border control at border crossings and protecting the external border outside border crossings.     Project results: 5 types of planned trainings were performed , additionally one more type was performed.     Financial information: Costs of the project amount to  12.215,09 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of  9.161,32 EUR, which is 75%.



Digitalisation of equipment in the "Schengen lecture room" of the Police Academy - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: The purpose of the activity was to provide appropriate state-of-the-art digital equipment instead of the currently applied analogue equipment, The existing projector, computer, software, receiver and player have to be replaced, together with cables for digital transmission, the cabinet shall be closed with glass doors and locked. The target groups are candidates for police officers who will protect the state border, and existing border police officers additionally trained to carry out tasks related to surveillance and control of external borders. The Schengen lecture room would be used for border guards training in proportion of 40% of time.     Project results: All of the planned equipment was purchased.     Financial information: Costs of the project amount to  3.392,22 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of  2.544,17 EUR, which is 75%.



Replacement of information equipment at external border crossing points - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: Defects and failures caused by wear of the equipment are more and more often, which poses a problem for the operation of the systems in use. For that reason, we have foresee replacement of workstations (approximately 466 units), printers, monitors (461 units), servers, optical document scanners (approximately 213 units) and mobile terminals.     Project results: Purchase of 462 monitors and 448 workstations was performed. The rest of the equipment was not purchased within the annual programme period due to long procedures for conclusion of framework agreements. Costs of equipment bought after the eligibility period will be exercised within annual programme 2013.     Financial information: Costs of the project amount to  339.642,32 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of  254.731,74 EUR, which is 75%.



Maintenance of communication interface SIB - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: Communication interface SIB was installed into the Police information system and enables connecting of the national system to the central SIS II. Purpose of the project is to ensure elimination of defects, support to users and maintenance with short response time.     Project results: Troubleshooting was done regularly and within contractual deadline. Corrections and new version of SIB were regularly delivered by contractual partner.     Financial information: Costs of the project amount to  179.759,37 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of  134.819,53 EUR, which is 75%.



Infrastructure for setting up the national coordination centre for sea surveillance within the framework of the EUROSUR at the Maritime Police Station Koper - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: The envisaged investment comprised refurbishment and reconstruction of premises     Project results: Floors were renovated and furniture was purchased as planned.     Financial information: Costs of the project amount to  4.077,95 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of  3.058,46  EUR, which is 75%.



Establishment of a broadband communication network - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: The purpose of the action s to ensure quick and effective sharing of information among all border crossing points in real time, to encourage effective querying in real time at border crossing points by using comprehensive information systems, to build and ensure quick connections to ITSP, SIS, VIS, Interpol and Europol networks. The objective of the action is to increase communication permeability of accessible systems, and to provide an efficient integrated communications network.     Project results: Success of the upgrade of the network is measured by increased capacity, availability and reliability. Parametres are captured in the control-management system, which is integral part of the broadband network. Technical features ot the network performance are being checked (speed of data transfer, delays in data transfer, availability of network connection points, aplication performances,...). Planned results were achieved: licences were prolonged and additional functionalities added (Mobile Admin and Security Manager into control-management system), data transfer speed was increased and delays reduced on location where it was technically possible. Hardware which supports protocol IPv6 was purchased.     Financial information: Costs of the project amount to 56.606,53 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of  42.454,90 EUR, which is 75%.



Maintenance of helicopter EC-135 - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: Helicopter EC-135 P2 is used for surveillance of EU external border under control of the Slovenian Police. Maintenance work and replacement of spare parts were to be performed to ensure continuing airworthiness of helicopter and performance of surveillance of Schengen borders.     Project results: Maintenance was carried out according to maintenance agreement. Spare parts and service and maintanance works were performed as necessary so the availability of the helicopter for performance of border tasks was high.     Financial information: Costs of the project amount to  340.556,94 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of  255.417,71 EUR, which is 75%.



Maintenance of equipment for control/surveillance of the state border - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: Project comprises of maintenance of equipment for border control purchased under Phare programme, Schengen Facility and previous annual programmes of the External Borders Fund. It is envisaged to maintain 1467 different devices, including night observation surveillance equipment, hand-held thermovision cameras, etc.     Project results: Maintanance was performed according to the needs and reported defects which resulted in smooth operations of devices for border control.     Financial information: Costs of the project amount to  101.431,62 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of  76.073,72 EUR, which is 75%.



Maintenance of passport scanners OCRB - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: Maintenance of 200 passport scanners OCRB PRMc233 purchased in 2008, co-funded by External borders fund, annual plan 2007. A two-year maintenance agreement to be concluded will provide for secure operation of scanners and thereby for undisturbed performance of border control.     Project results: Maintance was performed according to the agreement. Troubleshooting was done regularly and within contractual deadlines.     Financial information: Costs of the project amount to 19.651,12 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of 14.738,34 EUR, which is 75%.



Purchase of 2 mobile thermovisions - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012       Project content: Since old vehicles are worn-out and obsolete with weak reasons for repair, the thermovisions will enable easier and more precise monitoring of a larger area along the state border   Project results: 2 mobile thermovisions were purchased as planned.   Financial information: Costs of the project amount to 557.720,49 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of 418.290,37 EUR, which is 75%.



Maintainance of video surveillance equipmentat border crossing points - project report 2012

  Disbursement of EU funds Annual programme: LP2012     Project content: Purpose of the project is to maintain and service the video surveillance equipment which was purchased under previous annual programmes of the External Borders Fund on crossing points between Republic of Slovenia and Republic of Croatia.   Project results: 8 service/maintanance works were performed resulting in equipment being 100% operational.   Financial information: Costs of the project amount to 10.216,89 EUR. EU co-funded the project from External Borders Fund in the amount of 7.662,67 EUR, which is 75%.
