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Information for safe driving on roads in Slovenia

We wish your trip, especially at times of highest traffic density, to be safe and relaxed.

drawing of a traffic sign - general danger ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATIONS drawing of a traffic sign - general danger

Speed limits 

drawing of a traffic sign - 50 kmph in residential areas 50 kmph in residential areas
drawing of a traffic sign  - 90 kmph on all roads where not otherwise indicated 90 kmph on all roads where not otherwise indicated
drawing of a traffic sign - 110 kmph on the expressways 110 kmph on the expressways
drawing of a traffic sign - 130 kmph on motorways 130 kmph on motorways
drawing of a traffic sign - 10 kmph in pedestrian precintcs
10 kmph in areas of traffic calming and pedestrian precincts

Permitted Alcohol Content in Blood

  • up to 0.50 grammes of alcohol per a kilogramme of blood or up to 0,24 milligrammes of alcohol in a litre of exhaled air for all drivers of private vehicles and motorcycles
  • all professional drivers of a motor vehicle or a group of vehicles of categories C1, C, D1, D, BE, C1E,CE, D1E, DE may not have any alcohol in their organism

Use of the Safety Belt

It is compulsory to use the safety belt also at the back seat, provided that the car has safety belts at the back.

Lights On

It is compulsory to have dimmed headlights turned on while driving also during the day.

Use of the Mobile Phone

While driving, only the use of a hands-free mobile phone is permitted.


While reversing all four indicators must be switched on.

Motorcycles and Motorised Bicycles

It is forbidden to have a person of less than 12 years of age on a motorcycle. The rider and the passenger on a motorcycle or a motorised bicycle must both wear strapped homologised crash helmets.

Riders of mopeds with a maximum design speed not exceeding 25 kmph shall ride in a bicycle lane, bicycle path or bicycle route, where is possible. Drivers and passengers on a motorcycle with maximum design speed not exceeding 25 kmph, may use a properly fastened safety bicycle helmet instead of an attested safety motorcycle helmet. Safety helmets shall be worn and properly fastened in traffic by drivers and passengers younger than 18.

Marking a Broken-down Vehicle at Night

If a vehicle breaks down at night and its technical condition does not make possible the use of all four indicators, the driver must use the warning triangle.

Important phone numbers and links 

Police Emergency Number  113

Emergency call  112

Traffic Information Centre  +386 1 518 85 18  

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drawing of a traffic sign - general danger In the event of a traffic accident call the police on  113