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Domestic violence can be reported by anyone - a victim, a child, a minor, an NGO, a private entity or a state agency. It should be reported by pre-schools, schools and healthcare agencies (doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, etc.), whereas persons acting in an official capacity must report it ex officio. A report may be filed at any time, not only when a victim decides to initiate a divorce. 

Urgent police intervention

If it is an emergency where a life is threatened, or in other circumstances requiring police intervention, call police emergency number 113 immediately!

Report filed in person

You can report domestic violence by attending the nearest police station in your area. A report may also be filed with the State Prosecutor's Office, but it is usually referred to the police for investigation. If a report is filed with the State Prosecutor's Office, it will be handled by the police when received from the Prosecutor's Office.

When filing a report, a victim may be accompanied by a confidential person (i.e. assistant) to support him/her in procedures before state bodies.  An official record is made of a reported incident, usually called a record of an oral crime report. If the police note, in the course of their work, that a criminal offence was committed, they draw up an official note thereof.  If an incident is reported by a child, the police also make an official note.

Another reporting option is by post. The police will talk to the reporting person subsequently.

Anonymous online report*

quick exitDomestic violence may also be reported by completing an online crime report. However, this option should only be taken exceptionally. Such reports cannot be considered urgent, they merely serve as information and it is very difficult for the police to respond effectively because there is no cooperation from persons involved.

When victims of violence are children, remain anonymous only in exceptional cases.

Anyone who decides to file a report and cooperate in further proceedings becomes the voice of a child victim of violence. That is how they show they can help and make their voices heard. Their action is of vital importance to resolve the case and protect the victim. Everybody is responsible for their fellow citizens.

What will I be asked when reporting domestic violence?

Question: I am a victim of domestic violence. I hesitate to report it because I do not know what I am supposed to tell about the abuse. I was told the police will ask many questions. What is important for the police to know about my case?

Answer: Safety and protection of the victim are crucial to the police. They may take different measures to protect the victim from violence. In order to do that effectively, they need as much information on the abuse as possible (i.e. forms of violence against you, time and place of incidents, people who know anything about the violence, medical reports, photos of injuries (if your injuries are visible, the police may photograph them with your consent), records of threats in text messages, letters, e-mails, etc.). If you have children, the police may want to know how they feel about violence in your home, whether their behaviour has changed in any way or whether you have spotted any injuries on their bodies. The police will also ask you about your feelings as a victim and when and how the abuser's attitude to the family members changed.

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Domestic violence - police procedure