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Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology

ISSN 0034-690X

JCIC-Archive About the Journal Author Guidelines  


Cover picture of Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology, Year 2021, No. 4JCIC 2021, Vol 72, No. 4


Jack R. Greene:

Majda Černič Istenič:

Tinkara Bulovec, Katja Eman:

Iza Kokoravec, Gorazd Meško, Ineke Haen Marshall:

Ajda Šulc, Vasja Vehovar, Barbara N. Brečko, Aleš Bučar Ručman:

Aleksandra Jovanović, Velimir Rakočević:


Gorazd Meško: Best Practice Conference of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) and European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA)