
Fifty-one students have today completed a two-week practical criminal investigation course. The ceremony was attended by the Director General of the Police, Janko ...
The Director General of the Police, Janko Goršek, and the Minister of the Interior, Katarina Kresal, today paid a visit to the Special Unit and congratulated their ...
A memorial was unveiled in Gotenica today to thank the employees of Gotenica Training Centre for their contribution to protecting the independence processes and ...
Motorcycle police officers and motorcycle paramedics are often the first to arrive at the scene of an accident. In order for their levels of cooperation in these ...
The Director General of the Police, Janko Goršek, and representatives of the Sever Association today attended a reception hosted by the President of the Republic of ...
The Deputy Director General of the Police, Tatjana Bobnar, and the Minister of the Interior, Katarina Kresal, today received three police officers who won gold in ...
On the first day of a two-week intensified control of motorcycle riders, five motorcyclists, four of whom were police officers, shared their experience, thoughts and ...
To mark the fourteenth anniversary of one of the worst accidents to have occurred in the history of Slovenian mountain rescue, a memorial hike to Mt Okrešelj took ...
The Slovenian team came second in the Combat Team Conference 2011 Police Special Unit World Championship, which took place near the German city of Cologne between 4 ...
In a bid to make everyday life easier, to improve the safety of the blind and visually impaired persons, and to help them become more visible in society, the police ...
On 8 June 2011, the Ministry of the Interior, the Sever Ljubljana Police Veterans Society and the Municipality of Log-Dragomer jointly unveiled a memorial ...
On 8 June, Director General of the Police Janko Goršek and State Secretary Damijan Lah awarded 26 police medals for self-sacrifice and 8 police medals for bravery ...