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In November 2014, a group of 20 police officers completed the basic training in serving international civil missions. The training ended with a certificate awarding ceremony at Gotenica's Training Centre.

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Eleven Slovenian officers, among them two females, completed a two-week training course. Serbia and Macedonia participated with two law enforcement representatives while the police forces from Croatia, Montenegro, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Bosnia and Herzegovina each sent one staff member.

The training was aimed at enhancing practical knowledge and skills for a more professional, safer and more effective civil mission service. Among others, participants were trained in standards of operation in international civil missions, principles of peace-keeping operations, and crime trends in crisis areas. Security and protection measures were taught along with health protection standards and first aid procedures. Theory was complemented with field training. The main objective of this training course was bringing theory into practice. Training courses of this type are a prerequisite for deployment to international civil missions.

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The Slovenian Police was granted a UN certificate for this type of training. This is Slovenia's police first internationally acclaimed programme of training which enables Slovenia to carry out programmes for UN member states lacking such courses.