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Schengen news 15 December 2009
Sirene National Bureau 30 September 2009
Publications 30 September 2009

At today's press conference, the Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate presented the brochure Slovenia, a New Schengen Member  issued by the Ministry of the Interior; the purpose of the brochure is to inform the public on changes brought on by the Schengen regime upon Slovenia's entry into the Schengen area.

Brosura Schengen

The publication contains a presentation of the Schengen area, information on its basic concepts and establishment, Schengen security policies, the Schengen Information System and other useful information. The brochure cites the documents required by Slovenian citizens and citizens of third countries for crossing the state border and residence in other countries, as well as outlines activities of Slovenia as a new Schengen member.

The brochure is intended for all Slovenian households, while households of both ethnic minorities in the country will receive the brochure in the Italian  and Hungarian  languages.