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Today, on 9 October 2024, the 50th anniversary of the Ljubljana Mounted Police Station was celebrated in Kobilarna Lipica (Lipica Stud Farm). The venue for the ceremony was not chosen by chance, as a significant proportion of the horses that make up the Slovenian mounted police come from Kobilarna Lipica.

V pokriti jahalnici Kobilarne Lipica policisti konjeniki sedijo na konjih, postrojeniso v vrsto. Foto Mitja Tavčer

Video: Ceremony for the 50th anniversary of the Ljubljana Mounted Police Station, Lipica

The programme was enlivened by attractive demonstrations of the work of mounted police officers, while Kobilarna Lipica participated in the show by demonstrating its top-class horse training.

Outstanding efficiency in the field: without mounted officers, there is no modern police

Mounted police officers carry out the same types of police duties as other police officers, the only difference being in how and where their work is carried out. Their higher position on the horse makes them more visible and gives them a better view of what is happening. A horse can see at an angle of 300-320 degrees and can hear 20 times better than a human. These characteristics make it much more sensitive to changes in its surroundings than its rider and therefore extremely useful in police work. Likewise, people can easily see mounted officers, especially in a crowd.

Generalni direktor policije med nagovorom na odru pokrite jahalnice v kobilarni Lipica, foto Klemen Udovč

"Modern police can no longer operate without mounted police officers. Despite all the modernisation and motorisation, despite all the modern and advanced equipment, police officers on horseback are indispensable. Even in the age of robots and artificial intelligence, which we as a society seem to be accelerating into, the police will still need horses. This is especially true for the most demanding tasks, such as search operations, inspecting inaccessible terrain, state border control, preventing and detecting violations in the natural environment, and dealing with major natural and other disasters, which, unfortunately, we have seen quite a few of in recent years," said the Director General of the Police, mag. Senad Jušić, in his opening remarks.

Policist konjenik v slovesni uniformi med ježo na policijskem lipicancu v jahalnici, bližnji posnetek, foto Klemen Udovč

"They are particularly indispensable in ensuring security at major sporting events, mass rallies, demonstrations and other public gatherings, where their powerful presence instils a sense of security, cools many a hot head and deters violations. At critical moments, these mighty animals can become an extremely effective tool, enabling just a few police officers to successfully police the crowd and restore law and order. They are not disturbed by noise, crowds, smoke bombs or pyrotechnics. They do their job stoically and confidently. In such situations, police horses, ridden by skilful and well-trained officers, command respect and reinforce the authority of the police", added the Director General of the Police.

Točka Kobilarne Lipica, prikaz vrhunske dresure konj. Foto: Klemen Udovč

Mounted police officers and their four-legged assistants as excellent police promoters

It is through these noble animals that bridges are built and genuine relationships with citizens are forged, often brightening their day. Wherever they appear, they are like a magnet. A special bond also develops between the police officer and the horse, based above all on mutual trust. This is why there is always a special atmosphere at the Mounted Police Station, as horses give off positive energy and thus create a pleasant working environment.

Šest policistov konjenikov v opremi Posebne policijske enote, med prikazom dela ob kršitvah javnega reda in miru.Foto Klemen Udovč

Mounted police officers are deployed all over the country

In addition to the Ljubljana Mounted Police Station, the Slovenian Police also has mounted police officers in Maribor, as part of the Maribor Service Dog Handler and Mounted Police Station. The Maribor mounted police unit was established in 1992. Mounted officers adapt their work to the needs of the terrain, operating throughout the country.

Prikaz dela. Policisti konjeniki in konji v opremi PPE, za njimi pelje policijsko vozilo. Foto Klemen Udovč

Police officers take care of and train the horses

For a mounted police officer, working with a horse starts in the stable. The horses are cared for by the police officers themselves, 24 hours a day. One of the most important tasks of every mounted police officer is to ensure that the horse is fed, cleaned and generally well cared for, and that the stables are equipped and kept tidy. Every day, mounted police officers ensure that horses are fit, properly fed, shod, healthy and ready for police work. It is through this care, as well as through joint training, that a special bond develops between the police officer and the horse, based above all on mutual trust. As the Head of the Ljubljana Mounted Police Station pointed out, all horse training is done in-house.

PKP50let Lipica 2024 Klemen Udovc 44

50 years of the unit, but more than 100 years of horses in the Slovenian police

The police have been using horses in Ljubljana since 1920, when the first mounted police unit was organised in Trnovo. Until 1958, it was an important and effective element of the work of the internal affairs authorities. However, with the rapid development of technology and the introduction of a wide variety of motor vehicles, horses were gradually phased out of the police. This was an understandable decision given the circumstances that dictated the need for greater mobility, while horses were considered obsolete and unnecessary.

In 1974, rapid urbanisation and increase in commuter traffic led to a renewed need for effective control in Ljubljana's fast-growing suburban and peripheral areas. The growing number of criminal and minor offences required more effective control. It turned out that mounted patrols were the best way to do this.
In 1974, the mounted police station was established. The beginning was modest and difficult. Due to lack of money and other circumstances, the mounted unit was part of various internal organisational units over time. Since 1991, the Ljubljana Mounted Police Station has been operating in Stožice and is organisationally part of the Ljubljana Police Directorate.