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Today, Minister of the Interior mag. Tatjana Bobnar met with her Croatian counterpart, Dr Davor Božinović, in Brežice. The ministers discussed an increasing trend of illegal crossings of the state border and expressed the commitment to renew the agreement on police cooperation which is important for further cooperation between the police forces of both countries when Croatia joins the Schengen area.

Rokovanje ministrov ob prihodu v Brezice

The ministers discussed the future of the Schengen area, which, they believe, is in need of renewal and is the subject of intensive discussions at the EU level. "I am pleased we have taken a considerable step forward in drawing up a renewed police cooperation agreement, which was tabled several years ago", said the Minister and reiterated Slovenia's position in favour of Croatia's accession to the Schengen area.

Delegacija slovenskega Ministrstva za notranje zadeve in Policije

Delegation of the Slovenian Ministry of the Interior and the Police

According to the ministers, both police forces have noticed a worrying and increasing trend of illegal crossings of the state border by third-country nationals (from India, Burundi and Cuba), who come legally to the Western Balkans and then cross our borders illegally. "We agreed that this phenomenon calls for an urgent discussion at EU level on the visa regimes of our partners in the region," said Minister Bobnar.

Rokovanje HR ministra z v. d. GPD

Croatian Minister Davor Božinović shakes hands with Acting Director General of the Police, Boštjan Lindav

Minister Božinović also underlined the excellent cooperation between the two countries, especially in working out effective and practical solutions that will benefit the citizens of both countries. He supports the removal of the wire fence, making it possible for the people along the border to feel connected.

Ministra z delegacijo na terenu ob postavljeni ograji

Interior Ministers Bobnar and Božinović and their delegations visited also the Obrežje border crossing where a wire fence, which is considered a disproportionate measure, has already been removed from the common border. 

More information in the press release of the Ministry of the Interior