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In accordance with the new Ordinance on the temporary partial restriction of movement of people and on the prohibition of gathering of people to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the restriction of movement between municipalities has been lifted in four statistical regions with the best epidemiological situation as of today, 15 December 2020.

Zemljevid 15122020 UKOMAccording to the data of the National Institute of Public Health on the number of positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the 14-day period between 27 November and 10 December 2020, the statistical regions with the best epidemiological situation are:

  • Upper Carniola (gorenjska),
  • Coastal-Karst (obalno-kraška),
  • Central Slovenia (osrednjeslovenska),
  • Gorizia (goriška).

The restriction of movement between municipalities is partially eased for residents of these statistical regions. Movement is now restricted to the area of the entire region of residence and not the municipality of residence.

This easing only applies to people who have the Covid-19 tracing #OstaniZdrav app installed on their mobile devices and permanently activated. The exemption also applies to sport and recreational activities.

However, other restrictions remain in place, i.e. the 9pm-6am curfew and the ban on any gathering of people.

The Ordinance enters into force on 15 December 2020 and will apply through to 23 December 2020.

More information

Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 infections

Ordinance on the temporary partial restriction of movement of people and on the prohibition of gathering of people to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Official Gazette RS, no. 186/20 - in Slovenian only)

The #OstaniZdrav mobile application