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The latest amendments to the Ordinance governing measures at the state border shall begin to apply on 8 July 2020. From now on, quarantine decisions are to be served only at designated border crossings on the border with Croatia and Hungary, and at Brnik Airport, between 6:00 and 22:00 hrs. The Ordinance now also contains clearer information on the type of supporting documents to be presented to border authorities on crossing. Owners of land on both sides of the border and tenant farmers operating in local border areas can now enter Slovenia without having to test for Covid-19.

Semafor Quarantine yes or no 08072020Documents supporting no-quarantine entry

The Ordinance is now clearer on the type of documents/proof that travellers are required to present to border authorities in order to prove that they are not coming from a state where the possibility of Covid-19 transmission risk is high (i.e. from countries on the red list). Such documents include an original receipt or proof of payment for accommodation, proof of ownership of real estate or vessel where the traveller stayed, official crew list (boat rental), or other documents supporting one’s travel.

Quarantine decisions served between 6:00 and 22:00 at designated crossings with Croatia and Hungary and Brnik Airport

Travellers qualifying for a quarantine decision in accordance with the Ordinance will be able to enter Slovenia only at these border crossings or checkpoints:

  • Gruškovje, Obrežje, Metlika and Jelšane (at the border with Croatia),
  • Pince (at the border with Hungary) and
  • border crossing for international air traffic Airport Jože Pučnik (Brnik Airport) in Ljubljana.

The Ordinance also engages civil servants of the Ministry of Health to operate at designated checkpoints where they will issue and serve decisions between 6.00 and 22.00 hrs. The only exception is the border crossing at Obrežje where the Ministry of Health staff will operate 24/7.

At checkpoints on the border with Austria and Italy, at the Edvard Rusjan Airport in Maribor and at Airport Portorož, information on persons required to quarantine will be collected by the police that will refer quarantine cases to the Ministry of Health. The Ministry will then serve a quarantine decision at the address in Slovenia where such an individual is to stay during quarantine.

Covid-19 tests no longer required for owners of land on both sides of the border and tenant farmers operating in local border areas

The exceptions listed in point 14 of paragraph one of Article 10 of the OrdinanceThe exceptions listed in point 14 of paragraph one of Article 10 of the Ordinance (i.e. persons who are owners of land on both sides of the border and tenant farmers operating in local border areas and who cross the border in order to carry out agricultural and forestry activities) are no longer required to show proof of a negative Covid-19 test when entering Slovenia.

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Ordinance of imposing and implementing measures to prevent the spread of epidemic COVID-19 at the border crossing points at the external border and inspection posts within national borders of the Republic of Slovenia (an unofficial consolidated version of the ordinance, available only in Slovenian) (Official Gazette RS, no. 83/20, 86/20, 88/20, 90/20, 93/20) and Ordinance amending the Ordinance on imposing and implementing measures for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 at border crossings at the external border and at checkpoints at the internal borders of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette RS, no. 95/20, available only in Slovenian)